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AEPMA Code of Conduct

AEPMA is committed to fostering a safe, productive, and inclusive environment, free from discrimination and harassment. AEPMA expects all participants in its meetings and events, including attendees, event staff, AEPMA staff, presenters, vendors, guests, contractors, students, and exhibitors, to treat one another with respect. AEPMA does not tolerate any form of harassment during conference activities.  "Harassment" encompasses, but is not limited to:

• Verbal comments, jokes, or imagery that perpetuate negative stereotypes related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, religion, or sex;

  • Display of sexual images in public spaces;
  • Deliberate intimidation, stalking, or following;
  • Inappropriate and unwelcome physical contact;
  • Unwanted sexual attention, including persistent romantic invitations even after such invitations have been declined; and
  • Advocating for or encouraging any of the aforementioned behaviors.

If you need to file a complaint, have questions, or require assistance, please contact the AEPMA national office by calling 07 3268 4210 or email If you have been a victim of assault or believe yourself to be in danger, seek immediate help by calling 000 or contacting hotel or conference security.

  • You have the option to submit an anonymous report.
  • All reports will be kept confidential to the extent possible.
  • All reports will be treated seriously and thoroughly investigated.

Investigations typically involve gathering relevant details and information (verbal or written) from the reporter, the target (if different from the reporter), witnesses, and digital records. Investigations may extend beyond the conclusion of the event. 

The results of investigations and subsequent sanctions will not be disclosed publicly unless required by law. However, those who report incidents will be informed of the outcome.

AEPMA may also share information about the harassment report with the individual's employer or company, as well as with state or local authorities if necessary.

Participants asked to leave an event due to a report under this policy will not receive a refund.

In addition to actions taken at events (as described above), violators of the code of conduct may receive further communication regarding the actions taken and participation in future events.

Compliance with Laws:

AEPMA and its employees pledge to adhere to both the letter and spirit of all applicable laws.

Non-Discrimination Statement:

AEPMA will provide courteous and helpful service to all volunteers, members, and participants, making decisions without bias based on race, colour, religion, national origin, sex, disability, marital status, age, veteran status, or any other legally protected category.

AEPMA Anti-Harassment Policy

AEPMA is dedicated to maintaining an environment free from all forms of discrimination and harassing, coercive, or disruptive conduct, including sexual harassment. Sexual harassment encompasses unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, and other verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Furthermore, harassment based on sex (gender), race, colour, religion, national origin, age, disability, or veteran status is strictly prohibited.

AEPMA will not tolerate harassment of any employee, vendor, member, supplier, conference participant, or guest during association-sponsored activities, in any form. "Harassment"; includes, but is not limited to:

  • Verbal comments, jokes, or imagery that reinforce negative stereotypes related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, religion, or sex;
  • Sexual images in public spaces;
  • Deliberate intimidation, stalking, or following;
  • Inappropriate and unwelcome physical contact;
  • Unwelcome sexual attention, including persistent romantic invitations even after such invitations have been declined; and
  • Advocating for or encouraging any of the above behavior.

Under the law, this type of behavior is also likely to be considered unlawful "harassment" if the initiator knew that the conduct would be unwelcome or offensive (or if the conduct was of the type which most reasonable people would have realized would be offensive under the circumstances). 

Individuals who experience harassment or witness it are encouraged to report it immediately. 

A report of harassment may result in a warning, removal from or denial of access to AEPMA events, and exclusion from future AEPMA events, either temporarily or permanently. 

Reports of harassment may be submitted anonymously.

All reports will be kept confidential to the extent possible. 

All reports will be taken seriously and thoroughly investigated.

AEPMA will gather all relevant details and information (verbal or written) from the reporter, the target (if different from the reporter), witnesses, and digital records.

The outcomes of investigations and subsequent sanctions will not be made public; however, those reporting incidents will be informed of the outcome. 

AEPMA may also provide information regarding the report of harassment to the company of the individual identified in the report and to state or local authorities if warranted.

Any director found to have engaged in harassment, following an investigation, may be subject to disciplinary action, including removal from the Board when deemed appropriate.

Anti-Trust Policy 

Through its committee, board meetings, and other activities, AEPMA brings together representatives of competitors in many areas. Although the primary focus of AEPMA and its committees is to support its members in being professional, knowledgeable, and profitable through education, industry leadership, public policy initiatives, and market development resources, with no intent to restrain competition in any manner, AEPMA acknowledges the possibility that it and its activities may be subject to antitrust laws. Therefore, the Board of Directors wishes to emphasize, through this Antitrust Policy Statement (the "Statement"), its unwavering support for the policy of competition promoted by antitrust laws and AEPMA's commitment to strict compliance with these laws in all respects.

If any individual AEPMA member believes that the topic of discussion during an AEPMA meeting raises antitrust concerns, the member should immediately voice that concern and either insist that the discussion be halted until legal counsel provides guidance or leave the room.

Conflict of Interest Policy 

The purpose of this conflict-of-interest policy is to prevent the institutional or personal interests of the Australian Environmental Pest Managers Association (AEPMA) directors, officers, and employees from interfering with their duties to AEPMA, and to ensure that no personal, professional, or political gain is obtained at the expense of AEPMA.

This policy is not intended to eliminate relationships and activities that may create a potential conflict of interest but to require disclosure of any conflicts of interest and the abstention of any interested party from decisions related to them.

Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Diversity involves valuing, appreciating, and effectively utilising the talents of individuals with various backgrounds, experiences, ethnicities, and perspectives.

Diversity is an ongoing commitment and a top priority, not just a one-time initiative. To that end, we aim to attract, develop, retain, and include employees, committee members, directors, and officers throughout AEPMA who support our dedication to diversity.