You might remember in the March edition of AEPMA eNewsletter the story “They’re everywhere”: Fire-ravaged Mallacoota now plagued by wasps?
What we didn’t tell you was that Sundew Solutions has been working with key local contacts trialing the new Vespex European Wasp Baiting program.
In mid-March 2021 a field trial at a waste transfer station was set up to test the effectiveness of the Vespex program. It was reported by staff at the transfer station that there was a 50-60% reduction in wasp numbers in just 7 days of baiting.
“We’ve received similar excited positive reports from Vespex Accredited Specialists across Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia and Tasmania,” said David Priddy, C.E.O. of Sundew Solutions.
“Sundew has been conducting extensive research and product development over the past 5 years to come up with solutions to address this devastating invasive species (Vespula germanica).
The Vespex range launched in 2021 is the first in a line of innovative tools for the monitoring, trapping and elimination of nests when they are unable to be located and treated directly,” said David.
“Field research was conducted on a 6.7 hectare rural block at Brandy Creek Victoria in May 2019 in collaboration with Shannon Grohs, Owner of Gippsland Pest Management.
At this heavily infested site, 14 nests were identified and baited.
The results were conclusive, the Vespex European Wasp program eliminated 13 of the nests within 14 days, with the last remaining nest so weakened that only a handful of docile wasps remained,” explained Mr. Priddy.
“Sundew has worked collaboratively with a number of key pest management professionals in screening a variety of solutions to help effectively treat this nasty pest. The Vespex baiting program using EnsnarePRO 50 SC Insecticide as a toxicant is the very first fully approved (non permit) solution of its type to be granted in Australia.”
“It is humble beginnings, but we are so happy to be in a position to help struggling townships like Mallacoota with a versatile tool to help tackle this issue.
This years launch of Vespex is just the start of a family of innovative research and development projects we have in the pipeline for this pest,” stated David.
The addition of the Vespex range will prove to be an invaluable tool in the treatment program for European wasps,” concluded David.
To find out more about Vespex and using EnsnarePRO 50 SC in a baiting program head over to to learn more.
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