An AEPMA NSW ACT State Council meeting was held on Zoom on Monday 26 September 2022.
The meeting was well attended with 10 delegates and 5 apologies.
Chairperson Kylee Enwright welcomed all in attendance and asked to record the meeting for the purpose of drafting the minutes. It was agreed that Kylee Enwright would write the minutes and Patrick Legey the editorial to be passed to National office for inclusion in the newsletter.
After accepting the minutes of the previous meeting, we moved onto other matters of business which included finalising possible improvement suggestions for the 2023 AEPMA conference
(Based on some of the feedback received in NSW).
Other topics included discussions on the Review of the Codes of Best Practice. People wanting to contribute to the review of the Code of Best Practice for Termite Management can contact the National Office.
The Field Biologist training course is ready to go live under the operational structure of the AEPMA Training portal, with the Codes of Practice training courses in the pipeline.
The Field Biologist is the first course available on the portal and the Codes of Practice support training is gradually being added.
There was a lot of talk regarding the pre-purchase combined building and timber pest inspections where favourable pest reports had been issued by combined timber pest and building inspectors and where there were obvious defects found after the properties had been sold.
There is currently no qualification or training requirement to carry out a timber pest inspection in NSW. Anybody can do it. It is quite clear that many of these combined timber pests and building inspections are being carried out by people who have no idea about timber pests.
Unfortunately, many of these unqualified inspectors are not inspecting areas, hiding behind disclaimers and they are not understanding, high lighting or reporting conducive conditions such as dampness, fungal decay, previous termite damage, active termites in some instances, wood rot and so on.
Pre-purchase agreements are not being issued. The reports are issued for the vendor and resold without the buyer ‘s name and details.
It was agreed that AEPMA should write to the Minister for the Department of FairTrading and the ACCC to highlight the problem.
School-Based Traineeship
As an industry, we are missing out on engaging the younger people with a view to changing their perception of Pest Management. This scheme would provide the opportunity to engage with younger people and could help address skill shortages in our industry. The idea is to introduce more people to Pest Management and for them to consider it as a career option – We are very pleased to welcome back Lee and Charlotte Rennie from Shire Pest Control
NSW Pest Management Licencing.
Please make sure you include with your Timber Pest Management Technician (TPMT) Licence application the full transcript of your qualification especially the units 8 & 10 competency
Units you have achieved (no supportive paperwork/ no licence).
Patrick Legey received a letter from the Director, Environmental Solutions (Chemicals, Land and Radiation) Regulatory Practice and Environmental Solutions, in which it reads the EPA has confirmed they will not accept any competency qualifications prior to 1998, however, any person affected by this decision can make an application for reconsideration accompanied by supporting documentation.
It was suggested at the meeting for a letter be sent to EPA NSW for seek further clarification about several matters which were discussed at the meeting.
The letter is to contain a request for clarification regarding:
- EPA NSW reconsideration for Pest Managers who have completed their Timber Pests qualifications prior to the Introduction of the Competency units (pre-1998) and have supportive documentation.
- The number of people who have been rejected by EPA NSW due to qualifications gained prior to 1998.
- The trainee license requirements because there is still some uncertainty about it especially what constitute adequate supervision and what is not.
- Will they promote, by way of a social media campaign or others, the timber pest license?
- Are audits on compliance still been carried by EPA NSW?
The letter went out to EPA NSW early in the last week of October and we are waiting for a reply.
Totally separate from the letter sent earlier by AEPMA NSW, Julian Thompson (EPA NSW Manager of Regulatory Operations) asked Patrick Legey for a meeting regarding other matters, mostly about compliance.
Compliance audits of the Pest Management Industry will resume from early December 2022(Audits have not occurred for the last 18 months due to Covid-19).
So, what will they be looking at?
- Trainee permit paperwork, PMT Licence paperwork,
- Record keeping of Pesticide applications, Mandatory Notifications of treatments for Multiple
- Occupancy premises or near sensitive sites.
Anything that can affect or pollute the environment no leaks, spill kits, etc.
If you or one of your employees achieved their Pest Management Qualification prior to the Competency Units system (before 1998 and have the supportive paperwork) and have been continuously working in the industry (don’t wait till 17 December 2023), still apply for yourTimber Pest Management Technician Licence and you can contact us Patrick Legey at Phone: 0438 022984 or Kylee Enwright (AEPMA NSW ACT Chair) or any of your State Council Delegates.
Next meeting to be announced soon